The textile industry is considered to be the oldest human industry, because the need for clothing and clothing after the need for food and housing is […]
construction of a Chinese knot method by 1974 by Professor Mohammad Ali Alizadeh, whose design and construction work lasted about 1 month and was carried […]
The project of constructing wooden door knobs for the employer of Engineer Sadeghi in Tehran, which was completed in 2005, and the full satisfaction of the […]
Khatun Qamesar, a building with a combination of Islamic and original Iranian architecture, is a legacy that will remain in the history and memory of the […]
The doorway of the Mallabashi house with wooden knot of traditional and old buildings, except for ancient artifacts and tourism, was repaired and restored by Professor […]
Construction of a wood chipboard frame model is used as a separator (partition) and retaining wall and interior decoration. This sample is designed by Professor Alizadeh […]